What is Software as a Service?
SaaS is a hosted software product that you usually pay a monthly fee to access. You do not need a server to run it and can access it from anywhere you have internet access.
How much does a SaaS solution cost?
When you choose Software as a Service, your investment and commitment to a product is much less. As an example, many SaaS solutions charge a monthly fee or a fee based on usage. You can cancel your account at any time with no termination charges. You don’t need any additional hardware or software to use a SaaS solution, as long as you have an internet connection.
Why would I choose to develop a SaaS solution?
You bring the ideas, we bring the technical expertise. If your idea is something that other organizations can use, the cost of development is spread across those who subscribe. Unlike a custom developed application, you do not have complete control over the direction the software takes. However, if you are one of the initial subscribers, we can give you additional benefits such as discounts and greater influence over the product.
Won’t other subscribers push the product in a different direction than what I want?
Not necessarily. By having multiple organizations influencing the development of the SaaS solution, you can share in the experience of others and benefit from the features they’re looking for that you may not otherwise think of.
How long does a SaaS solution take to develop?
Once your idea has been validated and proven to be of interest to others, the goal is to have a product developed within 6 months. Some features may be removed for the initial product launch in order to get a minimum viable product shipped, but will be added in later cycles as the product evolves.
When is a SaaS solution completed?
Unlike a custom developed application, a SaaS solution is never really “done”. It can evolve as the needs of the subscribers change.
How do we get started?
Click Contact Us below and share with us your contact information and a short description of the problem that you’re looking to solve or eliminate.